recognize it for what it is|recognize it for what it be in English


acknowledge something as what it truly is, recognize work

Use "recognize it for what it is|recognize it for what it be" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "recognize it for what it is|recognize it for what it be" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "recognize it for what it is|recognize it for what it be", or refer to the context using the word "recognize it for what it is|recognize it for what it be" in the English Dictionary.

1. Recognize this sort of taunt for what it is —pure peer pressure.

2. We recognize the ruthless pursuit of wealth in this world for what it is —death dealing.

3. We need to recognize it and address it promptly.

4. All you can do is learn to recognize it and own it.

5. It arrogantly refuses to recognize divine sovereignty.

6. I began to recognize the trueness of what it said about the attitude of people generally.

7. It is absolutely critical for us to recognize that we have to move forward

8. “... It is important to recognize that we choose our behavior.

9. It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

10. It was nearly impossible to recognize the charred bodies.

11. • It was nearly impossible to recognize the Charred bodies

12. Recognize that hollowness; only you can fill it up.

13. People will soon be forced to recognize what?

14. Teach your children to recognize bigotry and not be a part of it.

15. It is vital for all of us to recognize the channel that is used to dispense spiritual food.

16. What can be done to compensate for it?

17. It is, however, one thing to recognize the problem, and another to think about measures to address it.

18. It is hard for a closed-mind to recognize and seize opportunity. It is possible for a thinking mind to create and make opportunity. Dr T.P.Chia 

19. I insured it for twice what it was worth.

20. It is hoped that Women's Libbers will recognize the tongue-in-cheek approach.

21. It is important to recognize the prosodic phrase breaks in text-to-speech.

22. " It just is what it is. "

23. It is of vital importance to recognize and tap this great potential for accelerated implementation of sustainable development

24. Love (Agape) —What It Is Not and What It Is

25. It is claimed to be precise, but precise for what purpose?